Thursday, December 30, 2010

T-Rex, the Tragic Hero

T-Rex is clearly the joker of the dinosaur family.  Check out this pic of me and the Eiffel Tower on the left.  OH WAIT, you can’t see it because T-Rex thought it would be funny to photo bomb me.

No joke though, they were serious killing machines, and you know they had swagger like [insert your favorite pop star here].  I bet it was their devil-may-care attitude that contributed to their ultimate downfall: smoking.  

Just kidding.  I love you, Gary Larson.  

The real reason I think they became extinct looks more like this: 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Noble Stegosaurus

I thought I should answer my own question first.  Seems fair, anyway.


My favorite dinosaur is the noble stegosaurus.  They were herbivores, and to me give off this Eeyore-ish “thanks for noticin’ me” vibe.  There’s just something about their unassuming ways that makes me want to give them a hug.

Feels a bit sacrilegious.  Sorry, Eeyore.


Reminds me of this one time I was in a Hallmark store.  I was in college at the time, and doing some birthday card shopping, when I came across a spinning stand full of little porcelain animal figures.  They were so small and cute they could fit in the palm of your hand.  I noticed that they had sold out of all the penguins, the kittens, and horses, and had mostly sold everything else, except for the octopuses.  

Not one of the octopuses had sold.  They were sitting there covered with a thin layer of dust, clearly stuck in this milieu of cuteness that was so foreign to them.  Their expectant little faces were looking up at me, their eight arms reaching out for a hug…  


Of course I bought one.  His name is Wilbur.  He sits on my desk and, ironically enough, is still covered in a thin layer of dust, only now he doesn't seem to mind it.  


*Note to Self: Dust more often.

UPDATED 1.29.11:
I was sitting at my desk and thought, why not share a real picture and you can see how awesome my skillz are!  Here's the real life Wilbur!

Isn't he cute!!!!

lol, you can see my, "D.A.R.E To Say No To Drugs" button in the background.  I've had that since, like, 5th grade.  :-) 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dinosaurs are Awesome

T-Rex Post Lunch

Spectacularly bad, wouldn't you say?  This was my very first attempt at a picture.  I was trying to decide what to draw when it struck me- what is something that's totally awesome that I'd like to see pictures of?  Clearly the answer is dinosaurs.  Let's face it, "dinosaurs" is so rarely the answer to any question-

What did you have for lunch today?

Do you like my new dress?
Makes you look like a dinosaur.

No, no, that just wouldn't do.  If you ate dinosaur for lunch, you're clearly a character in The Flintstones, hence you're not real.  If you tell your friends they look like dinosaurs, then chances are you're friends with Posh Spice.

So, yes, dinosaurs.  I think I'll post more dino pics as they come.  As you can see, the banner took me all of 10 minutes, so look for more soon.


Like Tyrannosaurus Rex, I bite sometimes, too.

So, clearly this... blog... I guess... stems from Hyperbole and a Half, but Allie has inspired me!  She says that crappy drawings enhance her story telling, but we all know that she's not a crappy drawer, and her stories are hilarious.

I exist in a family of artists.  My grandmother was a phenomenal oil painter, and my mom, dad, aunts, uncle, cousins- they all have artistic talent in some varying medium.  I, however, was not given that gene.  My parents didn't save any of my childhood "art" as some parents do- not that I blame them.  I think one can only glue so much macaroni to paper before it stops being art and starts being a pasta salad. 

Regardless of my deficiencies, I still enjoy drawing, and when I saw Hyperbole, I felt that there was someone out there that gets it.  So here, interweb, here are my drawings of things which are awesome.  You're welcome.