Saturday, February 5, 2011

Roaring '20s!

The murder mystery party was AWESOME!  It was 1920s themed and most of us dressed up!  I was trying to do more of an Amelia Earhart thing. I had this neat-o hat and strings of fake pearls- check it out, here's a self portrait. 

Yes, I'm really that pale and not nearly that skinny. 

We chatted a bit when we first got there, but the real fun started when we sat down for dinner, the game began, and we got into character.  I played Ivana B. Alona, an aging silent film star whose secret could harm her career if that pesky journalist were to write her tell-all book!  Oh, the horrors!!!!  

We were given a cheat sheet of popular slang terms from the '20s, which we slipped in to the game- like my favorite, "giggle water", which is booze.  We had a great time!  In the end, we caught the bad guy!  

Guess who else wanted to come!

I tried to show the lady T-Rex doing the Charleston, a popular dance from that time.  Instead it looks like she was mangled in an unfortunate run-in with a velociraptor. 

Freakin' showoffs. 

 I guess this would be more accurate...  

Walk it off, dollface!

 Or, how about the more graphic...

"Tastes like bee's knees!"

:-D  Let's hear it for the Roaring '20s!!!

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